Industrialise Data Protection and GDPR Compliance

Achieve full-scale GDPR compliance faster and at lower cost through automation.

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Cut the effort of Data Protection and GDPR compliance

Now that your data protection and GDPR programme is in place, how is it performing? To what extent are compliance processes embedded in business-as-usual activities?

How much administrative effort is involved in addressing topics such as data discovery and Subject Access Requests, and how well can your programme scale without distracting key personnel from core activities?

To address these questions and enable organisations to comply with the GDPR in a rapid, efficient and highly effective manner, Northdoor offers a range of solutions designed to industrialise compliance.

Using technology-driven solutions, you can automate significant elements of your GDPR programme to gain greater assurance around compliance and ensure that your processes evolve over time.

A new beginning

For many organisations, the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May 2018 represented the culmination of months or years of internal effort to create a fit-for-purpose compliance programme.

While it may be tempting to draw a line under this effort, the GDPR’s introduction should be seen more as a starting point than a conclusion. Now that the organisational structures are in place and the processes are defined, companies need to ensure that they execute their policies and best practices efficiently and effectively on a day-to-day basis. Recognising that both their organisations and the legislation itself will continue to evolve, companies must continue to check for potential gaps in compliance and maintain internal assurance that their ongoing response to the legislation remains credible.

In plain English: you’ve implemented your GDPR programme; now what? Northdoor proposes the industrialisation of the GDPR compliance processes, embedding them in business-as-usual practices such that they become a near-invisible, highly automated machine that enables internal personnel to focus on core business issues.

industrialise gdpr

Eight Packaged GDPR Solutions

In this downloadable PDF, we outline eight packaged solutions from Northdoor designed to address the key challenges that organisations face in managing their ongoing response to the GDPR.

The solutions are designed to mesh together seamlessly, creating a comprehensive structure for assuring best practices with minimal organisational oversight.

And for organisations that are still struggling to get their data protection compliance programme off the ground, all is not lost: Northdoor also continues to offer the GDPR Quickstart Assessment Workshop and related solutions to get you up to speed.

Download the PDF

Packaged GDPR Solutions from Northdoor


Automated Data Discovery, Classification & Remediation Platform

Northdoor data discovery solutions empower enterprises to find, manage and protect sensitive information throughout the organisation, minimising risk.


Third Party Cyber Risk

Northdoor Third Party Risk & Compliance service integrate cyber risk management into your enterprise risk management strategy.


Data Masking

Mask personally identifiable data quickly, efficiently and in an easy-to-scale way across multiple systems.


Data Encryption Solution

The Northdoor Data Encryption Solution simplifies the creation and management of encryption policies across on-premises and cloud systems.


Data Protection Advisory Service (DPO)

The Northdoor Data Protection Advisory Service helps organisations access experts to manage compliance with data protection regulations


Subject Access Requests Solution

Northdoor provides a complete Subject Access Requests Solution to increase both the accuracy and the speed of responding to incoming SARs


System of Record for GDPR, from Northdoor

GDPR System of Record Solutions from Northdoor help businesses capture and organise data for reporting and EU GDPR compliance.


Breach Reporting Solution

The GDPR mandates that organisations notify the relevant supervisory authority – in the UK, the ICO – of all data breaches “without undue delay” or within 72 hours.


Managing the supply risk in your supply chain

Enhance supply chain security with continuous monitoring. Gain comprehensive visibility and fortify your supply chain from cyber risks.

Make Data Protection ‘Business As Usual’

For organisations seeking assurance that their GDPR programme will continue to meet the ICO’s compliance requirements without consuming internal focus and resources, Northdoor offers a comprehensive suite of solutions for industrialising processes and embedding them in the day-to-day fabric of the business.

If you have invested heavily in getting the appropriate GDPR programme in place, and want to be certain that you’re delivering effectively and efficiently, Northdoor can help.

For more information on how to move your GDPR programme into business-as-usual, contact us.

Alternatively, call us on: 020 7448 8500

Read our GDPR articles

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