Scale AI workloads for all your data, anywhere
Reduce the cost of your data warehouse by 50%* with multiple engines and low cost storage:
Optimise costly warehouse workloads using fit-for-purpose engines that scale up/down automatically with your needs. Utilise simple object storage to store vast amounts of data at fractions of the cost of traditional block storage.
Access and maintain a single copy of data across data warehouses and data lakes:
Share large volumes of data through integrated metadata, multiple engines, and open table format built for high performance analytics. Transform your data and serve it to your end users with a single copy of your data in the same repository without data
movement or duplication.
Built-in governance and access controls to ensure right users are authorised to access right data at right time, enabling the foundation for better data governance. Directly integrate with IBM’s central governance capabilities and automatically
enforce global governance policies in
Designed with open-source and interoperability with a robust ecosystem of IBM and 3rd party technology to enable easy development and deployment of your analytics workloads.
Configure and connect to storage and analytics environments in minutes:
Lakehouse users can get started quickly with the ability to connect to any storage and analytics environment across the hybrid cloud in minutes. Use a simple “click-and-go” console to ingest, access, and transform governed data and run workloads wherever your data lives. IBM is readily accessible via Software as a Service on IBM Cloud or AWS or as a containerised software.