Facing a 3-5X increase in VMware licensing costs?

Contact us to explore options and minimise the impact of VMware pricing changes.

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3-5X increase in VMware licensing costs

Facing escalating VMware licensing costs? Following Broadcom’s acquisition of VMware and their move towards bundled, subscription-only pricing, many organisations are experiencing a 3-5X increase in their VMware license bill.  Consequently, this unexpected expenditure is triggering an evaluation of platform decisions within many VMware customers. As a result, Northdoor can help in two areas;

1) We can help you compare, redesign, and migrate to IBM Power Systems for any workloads running Linux or SAP HANA on VMware.

2) For on-premise or cloud clients using VMware legacy solutions who need to minimise the impact of VMware pricing changes and transform their VMware solution to a more cost-effective cloud-native or microservices solution, we can help you reassess, rearchitect, transform, and migrate your legacy VMware solution to IBM Cloud.

Here’s a response from a recent example of an organisation that decided to move all of its IT estate to Azure. They faced several technical and commercial challenges that resulted in the decision to use VMWare on IBM Cloud for these workloads.

VMWare on IBM Cloud continues to be a very crucial part of our hosting strategy.  Fast and automated deployment capabilities enabled us to complete the build of three private cloud locations and migrate over 1600 servers within 8 months timeline. It’s played a fundamental part in helping us reduce cost, improve our sustainability agenda and smash our cloud migration targets.”

Northdoor can help you minimise the impact of VMware’s 3-5X pricing increase. Get in touch to explore options.

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IBM TechXchange Webinar:
Discover 201% ROI by adopting IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions, a Forrester TEI analysis

Learn more and register here 

Join IBM for an exclusive webinar where they will unveil the findings of the Total Economic Impact (TEI) study on IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions. Forrester will share insights into the quantifiable benefits, costs, and ROI for organisations leveraging IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions. You can also learn how to optimise your IT infrastructure, reduce operational expenses, and accelerate your journey to the cloud by harnessing the power of “IBM Cloud for VMware solutions”.

Key insights:

  • 201% ROI for organisations that have deployed their VMware Workloads on IBM Cloud
  • 40% Reduction in Data Center Costs
  • 40% Increase in Developer Productivity.

Webinar: The benefits of IBM Power/PowerVM vs VMWare

Learn more and register now

IBM Power VM vs VMware webinar

For more information, read our blog: How to manage VMware pricing hikes: top alternatives

Read AJ Thompson’s comments in CIO.com, Is VMWare really becoming the new mainframe



Interested in finding out more?

Request a demo or contact sales on: 0207 448 8500

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