Blueprint Two Delays: Why Lloyd's and London Market companies should continue preparing for a digital future

11th July 2024BlogStuart Favier

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Blueprint Two delays shouldn’t stop your implementation

The announcement that Phase One of the Blueprint Two project has been delayed, with no new date announced, may not surprise the Lloyd’s and London market. However, this Blueprint Two delay should not signal the end of digital transformation efforts for companies in the market.

Understanding the Blueprint Two delay

Unlike previous delays, no alternative date has been proposed by Velonetic, the joint venture overseeing the project. This absence of a new timeline does not imply the project’s termination but rather a potential reevaluation by the Velonetic team. The extensive changes required to transition the market from traditional methods to a fully digital framework are significant. The testing phase alone is time-consuming but essential for the project’s success. Therefore, while extending the timeline and removing time pressure for testing is sensible, it should not be seen as an excuse for companies to pause or halt their digital initiatives.

Lloyd's of London London Market Blueprint Two

Importance of continued digital preparations amid Blueprint Two delay

For companies with unique systems or specific requirements that might be unsupported in the initial phase, it is crucial to continue their digital journey. The investment in time and budget by all parties involved has been substantial, making it imperative that when the project is implemented, it functions seamlessly.

Despite the #BlueprintTwo delay, companies in the Lloyd's and London market should continue their digital transformation efforts. Don't let this pause halt your progress! Share on X

Adapting to Digital Transformation during Blueprint Two delay

Blueprint Two represents a fundamental shift in how business is conducted in the market. Ensuring all companies understand and are engaged in this transition is critical. Rolling out the project without proper testing would be detrimental, but the delay should not lead companies to assume the project is over.

Leveraging the Blueprint Two delay for competitive advantage

A digital approach is inevitable, as evidenced by other sectors already operating in digital environments. Companies in the Lloyd’s and London market should continue their digital transformation efforts rather than view the delay as a reason to pause. This is especially true for companies with complex or specific messaging requirements set to be unsupported initially. These companies may face significant challenges in moving to a digital environment, but third-party consultancies can provide the necessary expertise and support.

Moving forward with Digital Transformation

The Blueprint Two delay offers an opportunity rather than a setback. Companies should use this time to push forward with their digital transformation, gaining a competitive edge and reaping the benefits of digital operations. Instead of seeing the delay as a reason to stop, they should continue their efforts, preparing for the inevitable digital future.

For additional information about Northdoor’s Alternate solution and how it can support your transition to Blueprint Two, email or call 020 7448 8500.

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