Revitalise your data storage landscape with Northdoor
Many organisations want to take greater advantage of the latest and greatest technologies but are held back by the cost and complexity of integrating them with their existing storage infrastructures.
By working with Northdoor to introduce a software-defined approach to storage, organisations can confidently adopt the latest flash-based technologies while prolonging the useful life of older storage technologies.
Don’t retire outdated storage systems: revitalise your storage with IBM storage virtualisation and dynamic all-flash performance.

Don’t rip and replace; adapt and grow
The sharp fall in the cost of enterprise-class flash storage has brought the technology within the financial reach of the vast majority of businesses. However, one sticking point remains: integrating new technologies while maintaining existing ones can seem a bridge too far.
By embracing software-defined storage, organisations can virtualise and consolidate their existing storage technologies into a more flexible and easy-to-manage whole. Northdoor can help your organisation understand the potential of software-defined storage, and build a practical solution enabled by IBM Spectrum Storage Suite.
Northdoor also has deep experience of deploying flash storage, fully integrated within a software-defined landscape to maximise the benefits and minimise the management costs. IBM flash-based technologies take advantage of all of the advanced services and management features within IBM Spectrum Storage Suite to enable organisations with many different workloads and/or budget constraints to benefit from flash performance and economics while increasing the value of their existing storage systems.

Finding the right balance
Flash storage comes in many shapes and sizes, and it can be challenging to find the best mix of technologies to balance performance and budgets.
Northdoor’s decades-long experience of enterprise data management means that we have the skills to determine the functional and price/performance requirements in each area, and to assign the most appropriate storage resources – whether that’s a hybrid-flash solution for lower-end requirements, or an all-flash NVMe End-to-End solution to support the most extreme demands from enterprise applications.
Northdoor understands how to get the best out of flash storage without throwing out existing investments. Our software-defined solutions help organisations maximise the value of the current storage infrastructure while building the right new capabilities – at the right price.
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