Kick-start your journey to GDPR Compliance with six steps

CxO Network Breakfast covers the six steps all companies can take now to kick-start the GDPR compliance process.

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Following the event, we produced a PDF about the six steps all companies can take now in order to achieve GDPR Compliance.

Download the PDF: 


The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect in May 2018. To avoid potential fines of tens of millions of Euros, companies must move quickly to understand the legislation and put appropriate measures in place.

At the event, the Northdoor’s team of security experts outlined the key obligations and the proposed six steps to help you kick-start the compliance process.


08:00 Room opens, meet and greet with breakfast drinks

08:15 Full English or continental breakfast served at your seat

08:30  The Security team from Northdoor will open the discussion titled ” GDPR – 6 Steps To Take Now”,  followed by a debate and questions

10:00 Close and optional post breakfast discussion till 10:30

The event is an informal peer level discussions under the Chatham House rule with strictly no sales pitches. Discussions are always interesting, honest & open.

Northdoor can help you achieve GDPR compliance faster and more effectively, please contact us for an informal assessment. We’ll review your existing approaches to Data Protection and security, and provide a clear checklist of recommended next actions, helping you get started quickly.

GDPR Solutions to help you achieve GDPR Compliance


Industrialise your Data Protection programme for faster, more assured compliance

Industrialise your Data Protection & GDPR compliance programmes. Discover eight key services from Northdoor to make GDPR business-as-usual


Data Masking

Mask personally identifiable data quickly, efficiently and in an easy-to-scale way across multiple systems.


Automated Data Discovery, Classification & Remediation Platform

Northdoor data discovery solutions empower enterprises to find, manage and protect sensitive information throughout the organisation, minimising risk.


Subject Access Requests Solution

Northdoor provides a complete Subject Access Requests Solution to increase both the accuracy and the speed of responding to incoming SARs


Data Encryption Solution

The Northdoor Data Encryption Solution simplifies the creation and management of encryption policies across on-premises and cloud systems.


System of Record for GDPR, from Northdoor

GDPR System of Record Solutions from Northdoor help businesses capture and organise data for reporting and EU GDPR compliance.

Our Awards & Accreditations